Queen Margareta of Romania believes that the EU must accelerate the accession process of the Republic of Moldova

Queen Margareta of Romania specified, on Wednesday, during a speech held at the Swedish Institute of International Relations in Stockholm regarding the Romanian perspective on the eastern borders of the EU and NATO, that the accession procedures of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union must be accelerated, emphasizing the fact that Moldova and Ukraine “will not find peace unless they are part of the European family”, reports Agerpres.

Her Majesty Margareta, together with Prince Radu, had, on Wednesday, a meeting with Jakob Hallgren, director of the Swedish Institute of International Relations, and Nicholas Aylott, director of the European studies program of the institute, analysts and experts on security issues and members of the diplomatic corps.

“I must begin by recalling the hospitality that this Institute offered to my late father, King Mihai when he came to talk to you about our country 21 years ago. It is worth remembering where Romania was at that time. It was not yet a member of either NATO or the European Union, although it was a candidate for both,” Her Majesty said.

During the speech, Her Majesty Margarita congratulated Sweden for its current presidency of the Council of the European Union, for its clear sense of priorities and efficient management of European Union affairs, at a time when the continent could not be more turbulent and when the dangers it faces they couldn’t be more pressing.


“The goal that I have assumed now, both with the support of the Government of Romania and with the support of the Government of the Republic of Moldova, is to be sure, simply, that the Republic of Moldova is not consumed by the tragedy that is now affecting Ukraine; that her reformist government is supported in achieving its goal and that the citizens of Moldova are allowed to decide their own future, instead of having their future decided by others. I welcome the European Union’s decision last year to grant Moldova candidate status. (…) I feel obliged to add that we need to be aware of the urgency in supporting the Republic of Moldova. Having accepted the Republic of Moldova as a candidate country, the EU should begin as soon as possible to identify the objectives on which the government of the Republic of Moldova should focus in order to speed up its accession to the EU. Yes, the prosperity gap between Moldova and the EU remains large. And yes, there are serious difficulties in the good governance of the country. But, at the same time, the citizens of the Republic of Moldova are probably some of the most ardent supporters of Europe”, declared the Custodian of the Crown.

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