Reflections on Independence: President Maia Sandu’s Message to 90s Parliament

The members of the 90s Parliament returned to the Chamber where they voted for Independence, where they spoke with the President of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, about that pivotal moment in our history. The head of state thanked them for the courage and dignity they showed in demanding and achieving the independence of the Republic of Moldova.

The President spoke with the parliamentarians of Independence about our future in the European Union and about the daily actions we take to build a free and prosperous country, as envisioned by those who fought for the independence of the Republic of Moldova.

“The courage and struggle for freedom in those years bring us year after year to the Great National Assembly Square, free to celebrate our nation and our independence. Free to speak in the Romanian language, to not be humiliated in our own home. Free to think and speak out loud,” mentioned the head of state.


Furthermore, President Maia Sandu also said, “Now we have the chance and the duty to lead Moldova into the European Union.”

“For the first time in the last 30 years, we not only live with hope for a better future, but we feel confident that we now have the chance and the duty to lead Moldova into the European Union. Where the peace and independence of our country will be protected, the hardworking people will have the chance to live well, and Moldova will be treated with respect and appreciation.”

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