
Romania proposes sanctions for Russia’s attempts to destabilize the Republic of Moldova

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bogdan Aurescu, stated today, before attending the Foreign Affairs Council in Brussels, that he will recommend the proposal for a separate regime of sanctions, for Russia’s attempts to destabilize the Republic of Moldova, reports Agerpres.

“We have a new government in Chisinau, a government deeply dedicated to reforms and European integration of the country. At the same time, we saw, as the president of the Republic of Moldova said, the disclosure of plans for the destabilization of the country by Russia. I think it is extremely important for the European Union to send today, through the foreign ministers, a strong message of support for the resilience and security of the Republic of Moldova”, said the head of Romanian diplomacy.

In relation to this subject, he declared, he will recommend “for reflection and legal analysis the proposal to create a separate regime of sanctions, for attempts to destabilize the Republic of Moldova, its constitutional order and the rule of law”.


“At the same time, I think it is very important that today the Council conveys its firm support regarding the establishment of a new civil mission in the Republic of Moldova, in the continuation of the aid regarding the interconnection related to the electricity networks, with the EU, through Romania, at the same time regarding supporting the perspective of the European integration of the Republic of Moldova”, said Bogdan Aurescu.

The Romanian minister spoke of the need to support the neighboring country through grants and mentioned the Platform created by Romania, Germany and France in this sense.

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