
SOR party declared “unconstitutional” in Moldova: Constitutional Court ruled

It’s official! The SOR party is outlawed. The decision was made by the judges of the Constitutional Court (CC) after the request of the Government of the Republic of Moldova to verify the constitutionality of the formation. For the first time in the history of the Republic of Moldova, a political party has been outlawed.

The SOR party is considered dissolved. All documents adopted by the party after the CC decision came into force are considered illegal.

The deputies of the “SHOR” party retain their mandates as independents without the right to join other factions.

In all territorial subdivisions, the people’s deputies from the “SHOR” party can continue their activity as independents without the right to join other political formations.

The CC, which adopted this decision, included a former lawyer of the ruling party, Nikolai Roska, and judges Luba Shova and Domnika Manole.

Judges Siarhei and Uladzimir Tsurkan expressed a dissenting opinion, the content of which is not yet known.

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