Spînu explained why the largest bank in Switzerland included Moldova in the list of countries with a high risk of money laundering

The theft of the billion and the laundromat are the reasons why the Republic of Moldova was included in the list of states with a high risk of money laundering by the largest Swiss bank UBS. At least, this is how the General Secretary of the Moldovan President’s Office, Vice-Chairman of the PAS Andrei Spînu, explains the bank’s decision. He made several statements during N4’s “Puterea A Patra” on June 29th.

“This is both the theft of a billion and a laundromat. It happened a long time ago… Yes, but that doesn’t mean that this doesn’t affect us now. Some (violators of the law) are at large on the run schemes that are still operating on the territory of the Republic of Moldova. Some moments are still happening. No one said that two years had passed, and that’s it. The rogues that have been up to now made their laws brought their people. The schemes will not disappear overnight. But the efforts we made now will work shortly,” Andrei Spinu said.

When asked if there are schemes in the gas sector, Andrej Spinu, the former Minister of Infrastructure, replied: “I think not. At least when I was a minister, I did not allow the existence of such schemes.”

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