State Guard Service may remove deputies from the hall: the measure has come into force

Employees of the State Guard Service will be able to remove MPs from the hall. The amendments to the Rules of Procedure of Parliament were published in the Official Monitor and came into force.

Earlier, Article 133 of the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament stipulated that the staff of the special service of the Parliament would enforce the punishment of removal from the hall of sittings and ban on participation in plenary sessions for up to 10 sittings, based on a resolution approved by law. The legislative framework does not define such a service.

After the amendments, the words “employees of the special service of Parliament by the regulation approved by law,” “special service of Parliament,” and “employee of the special service of Parliament” will be interpreted as referring to the employees of the State Security Service.


We remind you that at the end of last week, Parliament banned seven MPs—Vasile Bolea, Vadim Fotescu, Denis Ulanov, Irina Lozovan, Marina Tauber, Regina Apostolova, and Alexandru Nesterovski—from participating in five plenary sittings. Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu proposed the punishment after these MPs blocked the rostrum of the legislative forum.

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