The absence of parliamentary opposition at plenary sessions affects the legislative process

The lack of parliamentary opposition at plenary sessions affects the legislative process and does not ensure an authentic debate of the voted projects. The finding can be found in a report made by the Promo-LEX Association, reports IPN.

“I noted the absence of deputies at the autumn session, a total of 357 were registered. BECS was absent in protest from five plenary sessions, the “Sor” Political Party did not participate in any session in the autumn plenary session. We believe that the non-participation of the opposition MPs in the plenary sessions, including the debate of the legislative drafts, affects the legislative process”, said Mihaela Duca Anghelici, legal analyst within the Promo-LEX Association.

The experts from Promo-LEX also noted that citizens have no way of knowing which subjects will be approved by the legislature, as more than 50% of the subjects initially included on the agenda were excluded. The decision-making transparency of the voted projects was affected to the extent of 69%.


The autumn session had 19 meetings, 17 plenary, two of which had a solemn and diplomatic character. “Usually, at the beginning of the sessions, 85 deputies were registered, but at the end, 62-63 MPs remained. Not a single project was voted by all the parliamentarians registered at the beginning of the meeting”, stated Mihaela Duca Anghelici.

Duca also mentioned that deputies do not use the parliamentary control methods provided for by law to the maximum: “In the spring of 2022, two simple motions were registered, and in the autumn session – only one. There is no interest on the part of MPs to exercise the available forms of parliamentary control.

As for the Parliament’s visibility, experts recommend better communication with the people through all available methods. Deputies are urged to review their behavior so that the credibility and trust of citizens in the Parliament does not suffer.

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