The British Ambassador speaks to USM students: A lesson on diplomacy and international relations

The Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Chisinauu, Fern Horine, delivered a public lecture on Tuesday, March 18, to students of the Faculty of International Relations, Political and Administrative Sciences at USM.

Ar putea fi o imagine cu 1 persoană, hartă şi text care spune „ਦ DINCINET CONFERINȚELE FRIŞPA 30 นอยาี FRISPA RELAȚIILE BILATERALE DINTRE REPUBLICA MOLDOVAȘI MAREA BRTITANIE LA ETAPA ROLUL FEMEII ÎN DIPLOMAȚIE E.S E.S.FernHorine Fern Horine Ambasador al Marii Britanii Irlandei de Nord în Republica Moldova 18 MARTIE2 18MARTIK2025 2025 11:30 BEOC CENTRAL, OCCENTRAL,USM USM ALLA,REGINAMARIA" AULA "REGINA MAKHA"”

She spoke about the bilateral relations between the Republic of Moldova and the United Kingdom. Another topic Ambassador Fern Horine addressed was the essential role of women in diplomacy.


At the end of the conference, students could ask the ambassador questions and share their views on the discussed topics.

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