The budget of the Ministry of Agriculture, decreasing! The farmers demand an emergency meeting at the Parliament

The Association of Farmers’ Force is dissatisfied with the way the draft Budget Law for 2023 was approved on Wednesday, December 7, which provides for the reduction of the National Fund for Agricultural Development by almost 15%.

According to a press release of the Association, “the public consultations after the publication of the document lasted exactly 3 hours. Farmers’ representatives were deprived of the right to discuss the issue of financing the agricultural sector, given that the subsidy debts for the current year are expected to be around 1.2 billion. lei and for next year only 300 million lei remain available for the financial support of farmers”.

The Farmers’ Force Association requests the urgent organization of a meeting of the organization’s Council with the parliamentary committees for agriculture and economy, budget and finance, with the participation of the ministers of agriculture and finance, to discuss the issue of subsidizing the agricultural sector in 2023.

“We are part of society and we understand the difficult financial-budgetary situation in the country. However, agriculture in 2022 suffered a shock due to the simultaneous impact of the drought, the war in Ukraine, the Russian embargo, the exorbitant prices of resources, and the ridiculous prices of agricultural raw materials. Now thousands of farmers, harassed by creditors and left without the necessary sources for spring work, are wondering why without any discussion at the level of the ministries of agriculture and finance it was decided by the executive to significantly reduce the financing of a strategic branch of the national economy”, it is shown in the press release.


According to the draft State Budget Law for 2023, the Government allocates 550 million lei less to Agriculture. This is even though this year was a dry one, and the increase in the price of fuels and inputs gave farmers a lot of trouble. Thus, the budget of the Ministry of Agriculture in 2023 will be 2.2 billion lei, compared to 2.7 billion in 2022.

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