The cabinet is visiting the regions. This week’s meeting will take place in Balti

The Cabinet is going to the regions this. The agenda for Wednesday, July 6 published on the official website of the institution. It is stated that the meeting will take place in Balti.

There are 15 topics on the agenda, and some of them are related to Bălți municipality. Among the announced topics is an opinion on the draft law on the status of Balti municipality, granting the status of object of the national cultural heritage of the Republic of Moldova of the assets of the company “White Stork”, given the transfer of several state-owned real estate in Balti.

The mayor of Bălți, Nicolai Grigorișin, also announced this meeting last week. The official also specified that the meeting of the cabinet of ministers will be organized inside the “Alecu Russo” State University.

“Next week we will receive the project of the reparations on Kyiv street, with all the calculations. The street is now in a damaged condition. We will present to the government what the expenses are on this street and how much money we need for the repair. Preliminarily, 150-300 million lei are needed “, said Nicolai Grigorișin.

This will be the second meeting of the Government in Balti. For the first time, the cabinet went to Balti in 2012, when Vlad Filat was prime minister.

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