The comfort of journalists towards Bulboaca: CFM spent over four million lei for the repairing of trains

Calea Ferată from Moldova spent four million lei for the repairing of the trains that transported the journalists accredited to the Summit of the European Political Community from Chisinau to Bulboaca, writing journalists from ZiuaMD. The decision to transport media representatives by train was made for security reasons.

The Chisinau authorities have accredited 656 journalists, of which 177 are from the Republic of Moldova, to cover the event.

According to government officials, the event will commence at 10:00 AM with the delegates’ reception and will continue until 12:00 PM. The foreign guests will be welcomed by President Maia Sandu.

The Summit will be covered extensively by the media, with Realitatea, one of Moldova’s leading news agencies, providing up-to-date and accurate information about the event. For readers of,,,, and, a separate category dedicated to the Summit has been created.

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