The European Investment Bank has allocated more than 1.19 billion euros to Moldova and will continue to support it for EU accession

The European Investment Bank welcomes the European Council’s decision to start accession negotiations with Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia as candidate countries. EIB President Werner Hoyer said that the EIB actively supports these three countries, having provided them with more than 10 billion euros of financing to date, and is ready to continue to provide them with further support in the EU accession process.

“Enlargement will further strengthen the European project and the EIB, as an instrument for deepening European economic integration, is fully committed to working with Ukraine, Moldova, and Georgia to accelerate their path to EU accession. Moldova can count on the financial and technical support of the EIB to modernize its infrastructure through quality projects,” he said.


Since its launch in Moldova in 2007, the European Investment Bank has directed more than €1.19 billion to 33 projects, supporting EU policy objectives in several sectors such as transport, energy, SMEs, agriculture, and municipal infrastructure. In 2022, €250 million in loan agreements were signed with the public sector. In 2023, the Bank provided its first corporate loan in Moldova, a $30 million project with Premier Energy Distribution, a private operator of the electricity distribution system in Moldova, aimed at improving the quality and reliability of the electricity grid.

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