The Moldovan education system, adjusted to the European one

The “Education 2023” strategy was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers. The included initiatives will contribute to the achievement of European integration goals in the field of education, believes Minister Topală.

Increasing the quality of education, implementing digital technologies, as well as ensuring the educational system with qualified and competent teaching staff are the objectives included in the document. The strategy envisages improving the infrastructure of educational institutions and creating better conditions for training and development for children and young people

“Through this strategic document, we aim to ensure the quality of education and professional training, but also to make the connection between the educational field and the labor market, which is constantly developing”, says the Minister of Education and Research, Anatolie Topală.


The document includes programs to promote and motivate young people to go for a teaching career. Thus, the training of future teachers will be perfected, and the attractiveness and prestige of the teaching professions will be increased, including through social and financial support programs, notes the Executive.

Another objective of the strategy refers to lifelong learning, with adult continuing education services to be diversified and non-formal education centers to be created, including through the involvement of the private sector.

Actions that will support increasing access to quality education include inclusion programs, especially for children and young people from vulnerable groups or those with disabilities. At the same time, the Strategy plans to increase the efficiency of research, inventions, and innovations, which will ensure the connection of the national educational system to European requirements and values.

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