The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) expresses concern over possible Russian interference in the elections in Moldova. Appeal to the authorities and candidates

Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) are concerned about possible Russian interference in the elections in the Republic of Moldova. A pre-electoral delegation visited the country from September 17-18, emphasizing that it is the authorities’ responsibility to ensure the integrity and security of the vote while upholding fundamental values.

The PACE delegation, composed of six members, held discussions with key officials, including the Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration, the President of Parliament Cristina Gherasimov, presidential candidates, members of the Central Electoral Commission (CEC), as well as the heads of the State Integrity Agency and the Audiovisual Council, civil society representatives, media, international observers, and members of the Moldovan delegation to PACE.

PACE representatives note that the Republic of Moldova has made significant progress, including in the electoral field. However, according to them, disinformation spread by the Kremlin, illegal party financing, and alleged vote-buying pose severe threats to the sovereignty, security, and integrity of elections in the country.


The government and the Central Electoral Commission must intensify efforts to inform the public about these issues and ensure that actions to combat disinformation do not restrict the right to free expression while providing fair conditions for electoral competitors. Participants in the October 20, 2024, elections are advised to comply with current legislation and refrain from engaging in electoral corruption.

PACE will send a team of observers to Moldova on October 20 to monitor the conduct of the referendum on European Union accession and the presidential elections.

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