
The process of documenting foreigners will be simplified! See how it improved:

The process of documenting foreigners will be simplified, and the requirements in this regard will be expressly provided for, in order to exclude potential risks of corruption. A decision in this regard was approved today at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers.

The document will improve the quality of the services offered by the Migration and Asylum Office of the MAI, will contribute to the reduction of cases of interpretation of established norms and will facilitate access to the Republic of Moldova for holders of valid accreditation cards, issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration. Also, the procedures are to be facilitated for some categories of foreigners, such as holders of residence permits issued by Canada, the USA, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, as well as holders of travel documents issued by the Council of Europe, the European Union and other organizations.


In the context of the Republic of Moldova obtaining the status of a candidate country for EU accession, the project also provides for the simplification of documentation for citizens of the European Union states, by reducing the examination period from 30 to 15 calendar days, reducing the package of documents, by excluding the presentation of medical insurance and means of maintenance, as well as the granting of a 5-year right of residence, if this right is requested with justification.

At the same time, in the context of the hybrid war in the region and in order to ensure the order and security of the state, additional filters are required to verify and control foreigners who request a right of residence on the territory of the country, especially with the states with which the Republic of Moldova has not signed Agreements Readmission. Thus, citizens of 50 states will be required to obtain a long-stay visa, if they intend to stay on the territory of the Republic of Moldova for more than 90 consecutive days.

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