The UNICEF donated IT- equipment worth 1.41 million dollars to the Moldovan Ministry of Labor

A generous donation of IT equipment valued at 1.41 million dollars was presented to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection. The equipment, specifically earmarked for frontline workers within the social assistance system, was procured by UNICEF with financial backing from the UK Government.

Minister Alexei Buzu underscored during the event that over 1,400 units of high-performance IT equipment are being provided to all social workers, child protection specialists, and frontline personnel aiding Moldova’s populace. He emphasized the challenge of effective intervention without access to an information system and expressed gratitude to the donors for their invaluable support.

Maha Damaj, UNICEF Moldova Country Representative, highlighted that the donation aims to enhance the efficiency of the system for the benefit of vulnerable families across the nation. The objective is to bridge gaps within the system, facilitating easier data collection. Transitioning to electronic data management enables comprehensive analysis and ensures the efficient delivery of services to those in need.


Pippa Brown, humanitarian adviser at the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), emphasized the substantial efforts dedicated to Moldova’s child protection system. She noted recent strides in technical assistance, capacity building, and administrative enhancements, affirming the significance of the current donation. The IT equipment will play a pivotal role in data management, fostering the digitization of services.

Community social worker Larisa Ilașcu remarked that this infusion of IT equipment represents an investment in community safety and well-being. Such initiatives elevate the standards of quality in social protection, contributing to the betterment of society.

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