Three MPs from Moldova to attend in Strasbourg the PACE

The Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) will be holding its Spring Session on Monday, April 24th, during which the role of Russia in escalating tensions in Moldova will be discussed. The debate will be attended by Ion Groza, the head of the national delegation to PACE, Mihail Popșoi, the vice-president of the Parliament, and Natalia Davidovici.

In addition to the debate on Moldova, the agenda of the PACE session will include discussions on the situation of Ukrainian citizens, including children, who have been forcibly displaced to the Russian Federation or to the territory of Ukraine under Russian control. Olena Zelenska, the First Lady of Ukraine, will participate in the discussions online.

“The agenda of the PACE Spring Session also includes discussions on political strategies for preventing and preparing for natural disasters and facing their consequences, as well as on protecting democracy, rights, and the environment in international trade. Participants will also refer to the implementation of the European Court of Human Rights’ resolutions, the provisions of the European Convention on Human Rights, and national constitutions. Another topic on the agenda is youth and the media,” the legislature announced.


Moreover, Guðni Th. Johannesson, the President of Iceland, will give a speech at the PACE meeting, while Þórdís Kolbrún Reykfjörð Gylfadóttir, the Icelandic Foreign Minister, will present the Committee of Ministers’ communication, which Iceland currently presides over. The Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe, Dunja Mijatović, will present the annual report for 2022, and the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe, Marija Pejčinović Burić, will answer the parliamentarians’ questions.

The PACE Spring Session will take place from April 24th to 28th in Strasbourg. The PACE is made up of more than 300 deputies, delegated by the national legislatures of the 46 member states of the Council of Europe.

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