Trade liberalization with the EU extended for another year

The European Council has extended trade liberalization with Moldova for another year. Moldovan producers will export table grapes, apples, plums, and grape juice to the European market free of taxes and quantity restrictions. 

This decision was welcomed by Dumitru Alaiba, Minister of Economic Development and Digitalization, stressing that the extension of trade liberalization represents a significant opportunity for Moldovan entrepreneurs, giving them the chance to develop their businesses and promote their products on the European market.

“Our products are valuable. Thanks to the temporary liberalization decision, in 2023, the profit from exports amounted to 89.5 million dollars. 129% more than in 2022. Liberalization, even temporary, helps keep our agricultural exports competitive and helps our farmers identify new markets. While Russia imposes an embargo, the EU remains a reliable partner, opening up an even bigger market,” Alaiba emphasized.


Also, the minister said that between 2021 and 2023, Moldova’s exports to the EU “increased significantly.” Thus, the export of grapes increased from 15.8 thousand tons to 32.3 thousand tons, apples from 1 thousand tons to 13.2 thousand tons, plums from 25.8 thousand tons to 60.4 thousand tons, and cherries from 74 tons to 2.9 thousand tons.

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