Training for refugees and vulnerable Moldovans on the Rights and Obligations of Employers and Employees

The relationship between employers and employees is crucial for effective functioning in the labor market, and their rights and obligations play a key role in maintaining a fair and efficient working environment. The subject is even more sensitive in the case of vulnerable people such as refugees in our country, but also of Moldovans in a precarious socio-economic situation who have less access to valuable information.

With this in mind, the non-governmental organization HEKS/EPER Moldova initiated this month, on 24 March, an information event on the rights and obligations of both sides, with the mentor of the training being the lawyer Dorin Josan. The 15 people participated in the discussions, most of them were refugees from Ukraine. The specialist brought issues related to the Labour Code to the fore. Thus, those present learned about the working conditions everyone has the right to demand from the employer to secure their health. They discovered the types and procedures for concluding an individual employment contract and its amendments and suspension. They also learned when an employment contract can be terminated. The specifics of working arrangements, time-keeping, and leave categories were not overlooked.

Last but not least, the training discussed the legal aspects of salaries and other benefits provided for in the individual employment contract and established by law.

Refugees and vulnerable Moldovans were also able to ask questions and receive answers about disciplinary liability, the material liability of the employee and the employer, and state and public control over compliance with labor law.


Vulnerable Moldovans and refugees in crises must be aware of these issues and seek legal assistance and advice if they encounter difficulties in the labor field. Employers must also be aware of their obligations and respect the rights of employees under the legislation in force, which are prioritized by the HEKS – HEKS Moldova NGO.

The training was organized in Chisinau, in the National Library of Moldova, where the Swiss organization based in Moldova regularly initiates training and information events for citizens of our country with various specificities.

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