Tag: HEKS/EPER Moldova

Graduation ceremony of the beneficiaries of the project ”Achieving Resilience Through Employment and Social Cohesion”

More than 250 people from the northern and central regions of the country became graduates at a special event in Balti on June 23. The graduation ceremony, organized by Helvetas Moldova and...

(VIDEO) What is social cohesion? The HEKS-EPER Moldova organization comes up with more details about this concept

Social cohesion is essential for a harmonious society, but what exactly does it mean? HEKS-EPER Moldova explained the term by providing concrete examples of how to facilitate the socio-economic integration of refugees...

(VIDEO) 16 kindergartens in 8 districts of Moldova will benefit from financial assistance to expand services

Within the project "Increasing resilience through employment and social cohesion," 16 kindergartens in eight districts of Moldova will benefit from financial assistance provided by HELVETAS Moldova. This initiative aims to expand educational...

(VIDEO) Job Fair, a tool for social cohesion

On 29 May, the Palace of the Republic hosted the Chisinau Job Fair, a large-scale event organized by HEKS-EPER Moldova in collaboration with Helvetas and the National Agency for Employment. This fair...

(VIDEO) Step by step in the business world: business trainings for Moldovans and Ukrainians

More than 60 socially vulnerable Moldovans and Ukrainian refugees participated in intensive training on starting a business in Chisinau, Balti, and Edinet. For ten days, participants learn how to set up and...

(VIDEO) The refugee who managed to integrate into Moldova and unite an entire community

Natalia Molceanova arrived in the Republic of Moldova on 26 February 2022 amid the war in Ukraine. Her arrival was with uncertainty and fear, mingled with the hope of a fresh start...

(VIDEO) Ocnita – rural development through composting workshops

"Heart of the North," an Ocnitsa-based association, stands out to promote rural development and encourage sustainable resource management practices. Thanks to the project "Increasing resilience through engagement and social cohesion," implemented by...

(VIDEO) Job and handicraft fair in Anenii Noi offered new opportunities for local people and refugees

On 12 April, Anenii Noi hosted the Jobs and Crafts Fair, an event that brought together employers and handicraft makers to facilitate access to jobs and promote traditional crafts for the local...


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