(VIDEO) Ocnita – rural development through composting workshops

“Heart of the North,” an Ocnitsa-based association, stands out to promote rural development and encourage sustainable resource management practices. Thanks to the project “Increasing resilience through engagement and social cohesion,” implemented by HEKS/EPER Moldova in consortium with HELVETAS Moldova and funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, the association conducted composting workshops for the local community.

The executive director of “Heart of the North,” Daniela Bilic, underlines the importance of these workshops: “This project aims to provide information on how to make compost at home and how households can utilize it. Many resources and opportunities are available to us but frequently remain untapped.”

The workshop’s beneficiaries discover the secrets of turning waste into valuable organic fertilizer, and the process is educational and practical.


“We learned how to process waste and make compost to have richer flowers and crops without spending money on fertilizers,” explains Veronica Siveriuc, one of the participants.

Among the achievements of these workshops is the inclusion of both the local community and refugees from Ukraine in the process. These participants are discovering that by working together and helping each other, they can improve their environment and lives, including their economic lives.

The large number of participants, more than 90, shows that these workshops significantly impact the community of Ocnita and beyond.

“We aim to unite people from Ukraine and Moldova, to make them see that together they can achieve beautiful things,” stresses the “Heart of the North” representative.

Thus, composting workshops contribute to efficient waste management and increased agricultural production, strengthening the community and promoting a culture of collaboration and sustainability in the Ocnita countryside. 

The project “Increasing resilience through employment and social cohesion” is being implemented in 9 country districts and can reap the fruits on several social dimensions. 

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