(VIDEO) Job and handicraft fair in Anenii Noi offered new opportunities for local people and refugees

On 12 April, Anenii Noi hosted the Jobs and Crafts Fair, an event that brought together employers and handicraft makers to facilitate access to jobs and promote traditional crafts for the local population and refugees from Ukraine settled here, realitatea.md reports.

Among the participants was the head of the National Employment Agency in Anenii Noi district, Zinaida Iordachescu, who underlined the diversity of the economic agents involved and the importance of this event for the local and national economy:

“We have economic agents from Anenii Noi, from the Congress of Ukrainians, from the General Inspectorate of Police, Carabinieri, economic agents from Chisinau because we are not so far away, and we employ a lot of people in the municipality of Chisinau as well.”

The event brought together about 12 employers and 22 handicraft makers, and participants had the opportunity to learn about the labor market, receive career guidance, and participate in training courses. Among the beneficiaries was Laurenția Starciuc, who praised the efforts made to give people new prospects in the labor market:

“I approached every little house. I took various books to be informed. These are opportunities that give you the chance to get a job.”


The event is part of the “Increasing Resilience through Employment and Social Cohesion” project, implemented in the consortium by Helvetas Moldova and HEKS – HEKS Moldova, with the financial support of the Government of Switzerland. Strategic implementing partner: National Employment Agency.

The Country Director of HEKS – EPER Moldova, Peter Fenoy, stressed the importance of social cohesion and sustainable economic development for the community of Anenii Noi:

“HEKS – HEKS Moldova has been involved in several activities mitigating related to the consequences of the conflict in neighboring Ukraine. Unfortunately, in Moldova, the influx of refugees from Ukraine has generated several needs based on the usual difficulties we faced before this conflict. We want to bring together people from different backgrounds and give them equal development opportunities, regardless of origin or current situation.”

The Jobs and Crafts Fair is a significant step towards the economic and social development of the Anenii Noi community, highlighting local potential and promoting employment and professional growth opportunities for all participants.

The next events with the same theme will be on 19 April in Ialoveni and 29 May in Chisinau.

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