Graduation ceremony of the beneficiaries of the project ”Achieving Resilience Through Employment and Social Cohesion”

More than 250 people from the northern and central regions of the country became graduates at a special event in Balti on June 23. The graduation ceremony, organized by Helvetas Moldova and the Association for Entrepreneurial Training and Development (AFAD), celebrated the successes of almost 500 beneficiaries of the vocational training courses offered within the project “Increasing Resilience through Employment and Social Cohesion.”

The project, implemented by Helvetas Moldova and HEKS/EPER Moldova with the financial support of the Swiss Government, facilitates the access of socially vulnerable people – including refugees from Ukraine – to a decent income through inclusion in the labor market, providing them with support for employment, training, transportation, and childcare.

Vocational courses were organized in eight districts across the country, providing people in various vulnerable situations with free access to vocational and language training, as well as training and micro-grants for entrepreneurs.

For the organizers, the graduation ceremony was an opportunity to highlight the achievements and efforts of the beneficiaries throughout the project and to foster connections among them.


“Our graduation ceremony serves multiple purposes. First, we celebrate the successes of our beneficiaries and make the moment special for them. Second, we facilitate interactions between beneficiaries and introduce them to our implementation team from Helvetas and AFAD. Finally, this event promotes social cohesion among all participants. By coming together here, we encourage a sense of belonging and potential collaborations,” said Carolina Untila, the project manager for “Increasing Resilience through Employment and Social Cohesion” at Helvetas Moldova.

The AFAD team, a strategic partner of the project with more than 20 years of experience in providing business support at the local level, shared the vision of the event.

“We have behind us a wealth of experience and many beneficiaries with significant achievements, which inspired us to organize this event dedicated to them, together with Helvetas Moldova. At the same time, this event will be an opportunity for beneficiaries, partners, and the project team to socialize in a relaxed, family atmosphere,” said Tatiana Puga, AFAD President.

In addition to the official ceremony, graduates enjoyed family workshops, make-up, face painting, a photo booth, and a photo wall. In addition, there were animated entertainers, an interactive planetarium, and a fun toboggan area. There were also treats to suit all tastes, from popcorn, lemonade, and burgers to the sweet surprise of the day – a “Guguță’s Cousma” cake.

Project beneficiaries were present not only as graduates but also as contributors to the event organization. Graduates of the beauty courses gave make-up and face-painting masterclasses for children, while other beneficiaries presented their products and activities in the exhibition area.

Among them was Inga Orehova, one of the winners of the project’s micro-grants for entrepreneurs. Originally from Ukraine, Inga decided to invest this support in facilitating art therapy for Ukrainian women now living in Moldova.

“Thanks to this funding, we can reach more Ukrainian women. Through art therapy and drawing, we can alleviate anxiety and depression. We give them hope that they can enjoy life in our country,” Inga said.

The “Achieving Resilience Through Employment and Social Cohesion ” project will continue with the second phase starting in July. In the long term, the project aims to contribute to the improvement of life quality and the social and economic integration of vulnerable members of society, both Moldovan and Ukrainian.

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