Transnistria denies involvement in so-called Tiraspol attacks. 5+2 negotiations in stalemate?

Separatist leader Vadim Krasnoselski announced that the secret services from Chisinau were not involved in the so-called attacks in Tiraspol. The announcement was made during a meeting with Dorota Dlouchy-Suliga, the head of the European External Action Service’s (EEAS) Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Belarus Division.

Krasnoselski also mentioned that the negotiations in the 5+2 format were at an impasse and highlighted that the talks need to take place, regardless of the situation in Ukraine: “To maintain peace, there needs to be a dialogue.”

In response, Dlouchy-Suliga stated that the EU does not wish for war to spread and for Transnistria to get involved in the conflict. The official also noted that the EU is ready to continue the dialogue with both the Transnistrian side and the representatives of Chisinau.


The announcement by Krasnoselski comes after a series of explosions that occurred in Tiraspol on May 2, which were initially attributed to Chisinau’s secret services by the Transnistrian authorities. However, the Moldovan authorities denied their involvement and called for an investigation into the incident.

The 5+2 negotiations are aimed at finding a peaceful solution to the Transnistrian conflict, with the participation of Moldova, Transnistria, Ukraine, the OSCE, and the US and EU as observers. However, the negotiations have been stalled for several years due to disagreements between the parties involved.

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