Ursula von der Leyen’s Visit to Moldova: A Strong Symbol of EU Support and Moldova’s European Journey

The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, who is on an official visit to Chisinau, stated that she appreciates the progress made by our country on its path to EU accession. “EU solidarity with Moldova is unwavering,” von der Leyen emphasized.

The President of the European Commission mentioned that she looks forward to welcoming Moldova as a full-fledged member of the European Union.

“The European heart beats so strongly in Moldova… You are making impressive progress. I encourage you to actively engage in the EU accession process. It’s time to focus and do more because it’s possible. EU solidarity with Moldova is unwavering, and this is backed by actions,” Ursula von der Leyen emphasized.

“We have provided unprecedented financial support, 1.2 billion euros since October 2021. An additional 143 million euros will be disbursed as part of macro-financial assistance and budget support. We will support vulnerable households in Moldova. Our investment plan is also being implemented intensively with 900 million euros invested in business competitiveness and better efficiency. We are working on a concrete support package; together, we make Moldova stronger in the face of security threats of all kinds,” the President of the European Commission added.

At the same time, the President of the European Commission said that countries that work hard can join the EU earlier, alluding to our country.

Maia Sandu mentioned that the visit of the President of the European Commission is a signal of support for the Republic of Moldova, as well as for its European path.

“Our country is doing everything in its power to fulfill all the commitments to start negotiations. We are all working day and night to make the European integration goal a reality. Accession is the only way to protect democracy and peace. EU accession aims to develop Moldova and ensure its security… We discussed today with the President of the European Commission the continuous and substantial EU support for Moldova. We appreciate the support package offered by the EU. Our country is becoming safer thanks to European funds… The EU accession process brings more and more benefits to Moldova… We greatly desire to be part of the Union and contribute to the promotion of our common values,” Maia Sandu stated.

By the end of this year, the European Union will provide the Republic of Moldova with an additional 105 million euros for the Energy Vulnerability Reduction Fund. An agreement to this effect was signed today during the visit to Chisinau by the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen.

It is worth noting that the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, is conducting an official visit to Chisinau today to assess the progress made by the Moldovan authorities in the process of EU accession.


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