In a move aimed at strengthening the justice system and combating corruption, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has allocated $6 million for the implementation of the Justice Sector Reform and Anti-Corruption Project (JARA), launched on Thursday, July 13. This project aims to establish standards of excellence for anti-corruption institutions, enhance the capacities of the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), and support the Ministry of Justice in its reform efforts.
Speaking at the launch event, the head of state emphasized the need for support in the field of justice and anti-corruption efforts in Moldova. “We will continue the overall cleansing of the justice system, and we will do it with your support. We need to continue building capacities. Beyond the fact that we need honest people, we also need professionals. So, the honest ones need to be good professionals to unravel the corruption schemes of the past and deliver fair and legal verdicts,” said Maia Sandu.

In turn, the US Ambassador to Moldova, Kent D. Logsdon, mentioned that the United States will continue to firmly support the efficiency improvement of the justice system in our country.
Erin McKe, Deputy Administrator for the USAID Bureau of Europe and Eurasia, stated that the project aims to strengthen anti-corruption efforts through national authorities and more empowered civil society.
“USAID, along with other agencies of the US Government, is ready to assist the Government of the Republic of Moldova in its fight against corruption and in efforts to build a more effective and transparent justice system,” concluded Erin McKe.

Among the objectives of JARA are the establishment and operation of a mini-secretariat to monitor the implementation of the Justice Development Strategy for 2022-2025, targeted assistance for the extraordinary assessment of judges and prosecutors, and the advancement of anti-corruption reforms through the implementation of specific commitments that the Republic of Moldova must fulfill as a candidate country for EU accession.