In the context of the crisis generated by Russia’s brutal and unjustified invasion of Ukraine, regional and international trade has been severely affected, and trade corridors are overburdened. USAID, through the Moldova Institutional and Structural Reforms Project (MISRA – Moldova Institutional and Structural Reforms Activity), provides assistance to the Customs Service of the Republic of Moldova to streamline the flow of goods when crossing the border to the EU and support the export of Moldovan products, as well as the economy at the level regional.

Thus, USAID supports the initiative of the governments of the Republic of Moldova and Romania to establish common customs control, by installing standard intermodal containers that will serve as mobile customs control stations.

Last week the works were completed and a joint team, made up of USAID Moldova representatives, MISRA experts and representatives of the Customs Service, carried out an inspection visit to ensure that the mobile posts meet all the needs for rapid border crossing.


Thanks to these fully autonomous and mobile workspaces offered by USAID Moldova, the Government of the Republic of Moldova, through the Customs Service, is logistically ready to start one-stop control in a short time to streamline the export and transit of goods at the border with the EU, in the current crisis conditions.