(VIDEO) A 43-year-old Moldovan citizen, who was put on an international wanted list, was extradited from Russia

A Moldovan citizen who was on the national and international wanted list in a robbery case was detained in Russia. The 43-year-old man was extradited to Moldova. This was reported to the General Inspectorate of Police.

According to law enforcers, it is about a 43-year-old man from Calarasi district who was declared on the national and international wanted list in 2008. He was sentenced to 9 years in prison on charges of robbery and robbery.

The man broke into a private house in the Yaloveni district in 2008 in a prior conspiracy with three other persons. Having assigned roles to each other and wearing masks, the men broke into the house. Using physical force and threatening the lives of the owners, they immobilized them. After that, the offenders stole money and goods worth 120 thousand lei, causing significant material damage to the victims.

The man was extradited to Moldova and handed over to the authorities.


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