(VIDEO) Moldovans from Cahul about the European path of our country. What do they think?

“That’s where we have to go” or “Maybe join, but let’s not make it worse,” say some residents of Cahul when asked what they think about the European Union and Moldova’s European integration.

“I am happy that the Republic of Moldova has started this process of joining the European Union. I believe that we, the citizens, must have a better life. We must respect human rights. I believe that Moldova should join the European Union. We deserve a better life”, said a resident of Cahul.

Moldovans hope that after EU membership, they will live better and be more independent. At the same time, young people say that European integration would open up opportunities for them in the social and educational fields.

“Firstly, the European Union offers Moldova a welcoming family from which we need to learn. The European Union is an example of democracy, where human freedoms are respected, and the quality of life is higher. This process of integration of the Republic of Moldova into the European Union is a process of development of the Republic of Moldova”, said a resident of Cahul.


The Vox, which took place in the city of Edinet, is part of the campaign launched by the REALITATEA Press Group: “Moldova Chooses Europe,” in which we go to cities across the country and talk to citizens about Moldova’s accession to the European Union.

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