(VIDEO) Youth march in support of Moldova’s European course

A march of young people in support of Moldova’s European course took place in Chisinau. The participants marched along the central avenue of the capital, from the UNIC shopping center to the Parliament, chanting slogans in EU support: “We are marching towards the EU. Our dream has come true!” “We are marching fast, Europe – we are close,” “A Moldovan is equal to a European.”

Deputy Eugeniu Sinkevici said that the march united young people from different organizations. The deputy said their common wish is to live in a peaceful, developed country in the European Union.

Attending the march, MEP Siegfried Muresan said that everything the young people say at the march will be heard all over Europe.


“Moldova’s work in recent years has been recognized in the EU. Thanks to young people, Moldova started European integration. The year 2024 is the European year in the Republic of Moldova.”

He urged young people to participate in the fall referendum and vote for the country’s accession to the European Union. He also called on Moldovans with Romanian passports to vote in the elections to the European Parliament and to show their interest and willingness to become part of the EU.

The representative of Erasmus Student Network Moldova, Madalina Mihaela Antoci, said that the organization she represents supports EU integration and believes that young people together can bring Europe home.

“We are the present and the future,” she said.

Young marchers say the EU can accelerate a change of mentality in society, abandoning outdated Soviet models.

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