Vote at first reading: Three more Commonwealth of Independent States agreements denounced by Parliament

Three more agreements, concluded on the platform of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), were denounced by the Moldovan Parliament in the first reading at the plenary session on Thursday, February 15.

According to the document, the Agreement on the principles of providing the Armed Forces of the Member States of the Community with arms, technique, material means, organization of production activity of repair enterprises, and scientific and experimental construction research work, signed in Minsk on 14 February 1992, will be denounced. According to the Ministry of Defense, the denunciation of the agreement results from its lack of applicability and timeliness, as well as from the fact that the Republic of Moldova does not interact in the political-military fields within the Community of Independent States.

Another document to be denounced is the Agreement on Military Observer Groups and Collective Peacekeeping Forces in the Commonwealth of Independent States, signed in Kyiv on 20 March 1992, and the Protocol on the Temporary Procedure for the Formation and Engagement of Military Observer Groups and Collective Peacekeeping Forces in Conflict Areas between States and in the Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States, signed by the Republic of Moldova on 4 August 1992. The Ministry of Defence argues that maintaining Moldova’s membership in this agreement is inappropriate because our country does not interact within the CIS in politico-military areas and has not implemented the provisions of this agreement. States that are members of this Concurrent Agreement are also parties to the UN Charter, which, in terms of international law, has priority.

The deputies also examined the proposal to denounce the Agreement of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States on collaboration in order to provide technical and material security to the competent bodies in the field of combating terrorism and other violent forms of manifestation of extremism. The reason for denouncing the document is the lack of cooperation on this segment with the contracting parties, as well as the fact that the Intelligence and Security Service (SIS) has not benefited from the provisions of this Agreement, which makes it inappropriate for the Republic of Moldova to remain a member of the Agreement.


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