Vote in elections and the referendum, and visit your family! The most favorable flights from Europe to Moldova for our diaspora

Autumn is the time of low-cost airlines’ advantageous fares. It means that the Moldovan diaspora has one more reason to come home and see their loved ones. In addition, since air carrier weekend prices will be lower in the second half of October, Moldovan citizens can vote in the presidential elections and the referendum on EU accession in their home country!

We have prepared a selection of the best airfares starting from 25 euros for a one-way flight. The best prices are for flights from Italy, namely Rome, Venice and Milan.

Flights from Austria and Hungary are slightly more expensive.

Diaspora participation in elections plays a significant role in the democratic process and the home country’s development. First and foremost, it ensures that all citizens, regardless of their current location, are fairly represented. The diaspora often has unique perspectives and experiences gained abroad that can enrich the political landscape and bring fresh ideas to the country’s development.


It is also important to note that the diaspora knows more about protecting human rights and promoting democratic values. Living in countries with well-established democratic traditions, diaspora members can adopt best practices and contribute to their implementation in their home country.

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