With European money, Nata Albot has solved the energy problem at her tourist guesthouse on the banks of the Dniester River

Back in the country after several years spent in the diaspora, journalist Nata Albot has started a rural tourism business in the village of Pohrebea, on the left bank of the Dniester. The idea of opening the “Two Doves” (Doi Hulubaşi) guesthouse came to her after she organized the “Hodina” festival for the first time. She bought a cottage in the locality, and only after that she faced her first problems as a young entrepreneur.

“Legal entities in rural areas can demand around 12-15 kW from the local supplier, but for me, even that is not enough, and the vulnerability related to electricity is very dangerous. You might experience a complete power outage at any time, or the sauna could stop functioning while people are relaxing in it,” says entrepreneur Nata Albot.

To solve the problem of insufficient electricity, the entrepreneur applied for one of the ODA Programs – PARE 1+1.

“My contribution was 20,000 euros, and the grant contribution – 10 000 euros. Based on this grant, I bought a transformer which gives me more than 100 kilowatts”, says the entrepreneur.


In addition to the maintenance of the guesthouse, thanks to the purchased electrical transformer, the businesswoman will be able to organize public events without the fear of running out of electricity.

“Even though I have had rejections, disappointments, and sadness, I can say with certainty that it is imperative to try to apply for these projects initiated by the Government of the Republic of Moldova, supported by the European Union, implemented through the ODA. I want to assure all those who intend to develop rural regions and tourism in our localities that they should not feel alone in these projects. Know that projects and resources exist. The important thing is to be well-intentioned, disciplined, and responsible. To spend the money correctly and to deliver results”, Nata Albot confidently states.

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