Europe Day 2023! See the EU ambassador’s message, but also the schedule of events

The EU Delegation in Moldova, together with the EU member states’ embassies, is celebrating Europe Day 2023 with a series of cultural, interactive, and educational events in various regions of the country.

Under the theme EU-MOLDOVA: STRONGER TOGETHER, the Europe Day 2023 activities will take place throughout May and will highlight the values and culture of the European Union, as well as the assistance provided by the EU and its member states, for the benefit of the citizens of Moldova.

“Europe Day is a day of celebration of peace and unity throughout Europe. As Moldova approaches its first anniversary of the ‘candidate country status to the EU,’ we congratulate Moldovans for choosing the European path. The path of reforms for the inviolability of human dignity, the path of respect for the fundamental freedoms of its citizens. Moldova has chosen democracy and the rule of law. The brutal aggression war of Russia against Ukraine has shown us how important solidarity is to protect people’s lives and to maintain our well-being! Solidarity is the pillar that unites people, countries, and continents. Solidarity is about humanity. In the spirit of solidarity, we invite all Moldovans to join us at the events dedicated to Europe Day throughout the country, together we are stronger!” said Jānis Mažeiks, the EU Ambassador to Moldova.

This year, the traditional European Village is open to the public in Chisinau and Leova. In the capital, the European Village is organized on May 13, in the National Assembly Square, followed in the evening by an exceptional concert by Marcel Stefanet – Ethno Republic, Opincuta Folk-Group, SATOSHI, and the ethno-rock band Zdob and Zdub.


Citizens in the southern region of Moldova will be able to participate in the “European Village” event on May 20, in the center of the city of Leova. The event in Leova will culminate with a remarkable concert by the “Doina Covurluiului” ensemble from Galati, invited by the Romanian Embassy in Moldova and the ICR Chisinau, and the famous ethno-rock band Zdob and Zdub.

European cuisine will be present at the European Village in both localities, which will also host a series of cultural and interactive activities for everyone, including children.

Events to mark Europe Day 2023 will be organized in Cahul, Ungheni, Balti, in cooperation with EU-funded projects, with local public authorities, and the Euroclub network, and European Information Centers throughout the country.

The traditional European Film and Culture Festival will take place in different localities of Moldova, including villages and towns, from May 11-31.

The events dedicated to Europe Day will take place from May 9-31.

The agenda of the events is available HERE.

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