EU Accession on the Horizon: President Metsola Supports Moldova at EPC Summit

The President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, arrived at Castel MIMI around 11:30, together with the President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, to participate in the Summit of the European Political Community. Roberta Metsola managed to make a few statements for journalists, in which she spoke about the support given to the Republic of Moldova in the process of accession to the European Union.

“Our presence here today represents not only the proof of the support we offer to the Republic of Moldova, but also our commitment resulting from the moment when Moldova obtained the status of candidate country for EU accession. The accession negotiations are set to be launched this very year… We are impressed by the speed with which the Republic of Moldova has responded to all the recommendations put forward by the EU and how it is progressing in its activities and tasks. We will be ready when Moldova is ready. The place of the Republic of Moldova is in the EU,” mentioned Metsola.

Today, on June 1st, the Republic of Moldova is hosting the Summit of the European Political Community (EPC), a meeting taking place at Castel MIMI in the village of Bulboaca, Anenii Noi district. The authorities in Chișinău have accredited 656 journalists to cover the event, including 177 from the Republic of Moldova.

The first Summit of the European Political Community took place in 2022 in Prague, Czech Republic, and brought together leaders from 44 European countries.


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