We learned with bewilderment from the media about the “hand of Moscow”: the Russian Embassy on the liquidation of the agent network

With bewilderment, we learned from the media about the “hand of Moscow” in the “spy scandal” in the Republic of Moldova. The Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Moldova commented on the criminal case of espionage and betrayal of the motherland, in which two Russian citizens appear.

“The accusations of Russia in “destabilization and influencing internal political processes” has already become a kind of “calling card” within the coordinated anti-Russian line of the “collective West.” We note with regret the application of this practice by the Moldovan side. Once again, we want to emphasize that Russia, unlike the West, respects the sovereignty of other states and does not interfere in their internal affairs,” the embassy noted.

On June 10, the head of the SIS, Alexander Mustyatsa, spoke about two citizens involved in acts of treason and espionage associated with the Kremlin. The official did not give full names, noting only that they were talking about Yuri G. and Vadim Y.

During the briefing, he stated that since 2020 they have been identifying and recruiting citizens of the Republic of Moldova, thereby creating an agent network in our country. According to him, for this purpose, $500,000 was transferred from Russia to Moldova through illegal money transfers in 2021 through shadow channels. It is reported that one of the agents was a citizen of Moldova and will stand trial. According to Musteata, he was driven by monetary interest.

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