Tag: Kremlin

Presidential elections. Igor Grosu comments on Natalia Morari’s announcement: “The Kremlin has put forward another candidate”

Journalist Natalia Morari is running as an independent candidate in the presidential elections in Moldova, making her the ninth person to announce their decision to participate in the vote. She states that...

Moldova struggles to break free from the grip of Russia’s AI-fueled disinformation campaign

As the Eastern European country bordering Ukraine prepares for an EU referendum and a presidential election in October, it grapples with a relentless onslaught of disinformation, cyberattacks, and Kremlin-supported political corruption.In late...

The Kremlin lacks the potential to stage a coup to change the current government, according to Grosu

In the context of discussions about the potential for a coup d’état by the Russian Federation in the Republic of Moldova, Speaker of the Parliament and PAS MP Igor Grosu asserted that...

We learned with bewilderment from the media about the “hand of Moscow”: the Russian Embassy on the liquidation of the agent network

With bewilderment, we learned from the media about the "hand of Moscow" in the "spy scandal" in the Republic of Moldova. The Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Moldova...

Head of the SIS: Yuri G. and Vadim Y., at the behest of the Kremlin, built an agent network in Moldova

The head of the SIS, Alexander Mustyatsa, spoke about two citizens involved in acts of treason and espionage associated with the Kremlin. The official did not give full names, noting only that...

RISE INVESTIGATION: Leaked document from the Kremlin discloses Russia’s plan toward Moldova

A document leaked from the Kremlin's presidential administration discloses Russia's plan to bring the Republic of Moldova under its umbrella by 2030.The act, which has not been made public, is called "The...

Kremlin: The situation in the Transnistrian region is the object of our attention and a cause for concern

Moscow is closely following the situation on the left side of the Dniester and is concerned about what is happening there. The statement was made by Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov."Of course, the...

Moldova towards energetic independence from Russia

Moldova was part of the Soviet Union until 1991. Much of its infrastructure was not modernized since then, which in turn facilitated a heavy dependence on Russia on different aspects, especially ...


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