EC Opens Funding Opportunities for Ukraine and Moldova Infrastructure Projects

The European Commission will launch a new call for proposals today within the European Interconnection Mechanism. For the first time, Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova will be able to request funding for infrastructure projects along the corridors of solidarity while adhering to the same principles as any other EU member state, without needing partners from the European bloc, announced European Commissioner for Transport, Adina Vălean.

The announcement was made during a press conference alongside Ukraine’s Deputy Prime Minister, Oleksandr Kobrakov.


“When we launched the corridors of solidarity, 2 million tons of Ukrainian exports of cereals, oilseeds, and related products were transported through them. In August of this year, this figure was 4 million tons. We faced challenges – blockages, limited capacity, and higher logistics costs. But we also had partners; partners who showed commitment and – most importantly – solidarity. Solidarity has led to unprecedented cooperation between Romania and the Republic of Moldova, for example, on the Danube segment,” highlighted Adina Vălean.

In the view of the European Commissioner for Transport, “even closer cooperation between Ukraine, Romania, and Moldova, especially in terms of simplifying border control procedures, will also increase capacity along the land routes to the Danubian ports and the port of Constanța,” as reported by Caleaeuropeană.

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