The Inauguration of the Digital Laboratory at “Mihai Eminescu” Theoretical High School in Căușeni

Over a thousand students from the “Mihai Eminescu” Theoretical High School in the city of Căușeni have access to a modern learning space for developing digital skills. Within the educational institution, a Digital Laboratory has been inaugurated, equipped with 20 state-of-the-art computers, internet connectivity, and friendly spaces for IT courses, necessary for future professions.

The digital laboratory is implemented as part of the programs “Creating Economic Resilience Opportunities for Women in Local Communities and Ukrainian Refugee Women” and “Tekwill in Every School,” with the support of UN Women and the Embassy of Japan in the Republic of Moldova, providing an innovative learning environment for young people, both for locals and Ukrainian refugee children. Additionally, it is open to other technology enthusiasts aiming to create community-focused technological projects and solutions.

“Each of our lives is influenced by the technologies of the moment, and society itself is shaped by them. It would be good to keep pace with them. By using them, we realize how we can transform a creative idea into a tangible product. I want to thank UN Women, ATIC, and Tekwill for making the launch of the Digital Laboratory possible, allowing students to create new products and services with an impact on society.” – Yoichiro Giro Yamada, Ambassador of Japan to the Republic of Moldova.

“This initiative stems from the desire to support women and girls, encouraging them to learn and succeed in the field of technology. In the Republic of Moldova, only 21% of IT workers are women, and only 5% of students studying IT-related disciplines are girls. The situation in our neighboring country, Ukraine, has prompted us to develop this project, including for refugee children who will be able to connect to educational platforms in their home country.” – Dominika Stojanoska, UN Women Moldova Country Representative.


More than 500 students from the theoretical high school in Căușeni actively participate in IT courses as part of the “Tekwill in Every School” initiative, including graphic design, web design, and development. At the opening event of the Digital Laboratory, they, along with their teachers, presented the technological projects and products they have worked on as part of the optional courses offered by the program.

“Investing in children and technology is an important step in preparing for major changes in the job market, which will be heavily influenced by technology in the near future. In this context, the Digital Laboratory is a long-awaited opportunity for students passionate about IT, who aspire to pursue a college degree in the field. Additionally, the Digital Laboratory provides access to information technology for those who do not have a device at home. We are proud to be able to offer such opportunities to our students and are confident that these will prepare them for success in a technology-connected future.” – Olga Ostaș, Director of the “Mihai Eminescu” Educational Institution.

“Every day, I eagerly await the computer science class because there I can study what I love, and the resources provided in the laboratory inspire me to pursue a successful career in IT and become a programmer here at home.” – Alina Camescic, a 10th-grade student.

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