The Castel Mimi campaign “Choose Wines from Native Grape Varieties,” appreciated and promoted by renowned figures in our country

Castle Mimi – the promoter of wines from native grape varieties, launched a campaign on September 25th, urging consumers of wine in the Republic of Moldova, as well as those in the diaspora, to choose wines produced from native grape varieties such as “Feteasca Albă,” “Feteasca Neagră,” “Feteasca Regală,” and “Rara Neagră.”

We wish for our local grape varieties to be discovered and appreciated not only at the national but also at the international level, and for Moldova to be recognized as a producer of quality wines.

We are delighted that some winemakers and colleagues in the industry have taken up our initiative and are also promoting wines made from native grape varieties.

We are proud that our message has been appreciated and endorsed by public figures in our country. Artists, actors, and athletes have supported and continue to support us, not only in promoting our native wines but also our national brand.

Actors Andrei Porubin and Dumitru Roman have posted videos in which they talk about the history and the native grape wines that even the ruler Ştefan cel Mare used to consume. Musicians Constantin Moscovici, Cornelia Ştefăneţ, and Doina Sulac have encouraged their thousands of followers to follow their example and choose native grape wines for family events. Moldovan athlete Ion Lazarenco, who became the eighth person in the world to swim across seven straits and was nominated as the Republic of Moldova’s candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2019, recorded a video in which he says that he always celebrates success with a glass of native grape wine and proudly carries the flag of the Republic of Moldova wherever he goes.

We thank them for their involvement and promotion of the campaign launched by Castle Mimi.


The native grape wines produced by Castle Mimi have been appreciated by the benchmark taster Mihai Druţă, the president of the Sommelier Association in our country. The expert tasted the five grape wines and blends in his segment “A Good Wine with Mihai Druţă,” highlighted the characteristics of each bottle, and provided recommendations for gastronomic pairings.

“I encourage you to discover native grape varieties because they have great potential for winemaking in the Republic of Moldova. Native grape varieties could promote us abroad and could amaze those who are interested in discovering our culture and our country. Be proud of them!” Mihai Druţă stated.

We thank all the consumers who have heeded our call and chosen native grape wines for parties and family events.

Castle Mimi will continue to be the promoter of wines from native grape varieties and will promote them at international competitions and exhibitions because we take pride in the centuries-old history of our local grapes and wines.


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