PM Recean Congratulates His Newly Appointed French Counterpart and Emphasizes European Integration Goals


After the appointment of the new Prime Minister of France, the congratulatory message from the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova did not delay in appearing in the public space. Dorin Recean conveyed on Tuesday, January 9th, on the social network X (formerly Twitter) that he looks forward to collaborating.

“Congratulations, Gabriel Attal, on your appointment as the Prime Minister of France. On our path to integration into the European Union, I eagerly anticipate working with you to further strengthen the already excellent collaboration between our countries. Success!” wrote Prime Minister Dorin Recean.

France is one of the EU countries that holds a significant voice in decision-making. On December 14, 2023, negotiations for accession to the EU were opened for Moldova and Ukraine. The decision was made at the European Council and voted on together with Ukraine, despite Hungarian Prime Minister Orban’s assertion that such a decision goes against his country’s interests.


International media speculated that Scholz had sent Orban to have a coffee while the negotiations were voted on. Therefore, in the absence of a member, the decision was considered approved, following EU provisions. Currently, Chisinau is establishing an Office to deal with European integration, and will send more diplomats and negotiators to Brussels, with the ultimate goal of the country’s accession to the EU by 2030.