Moldova Reaps Significant Benefits: European Funds Boost Healthcare, Entrepreneurship, and Agriculture


A summary from the Delegation of the European Union to Chisinau reveals that Moldova benefited substantially from European funds last year. A total of 75 million euros were allocated for the modernization of ten district hospitals, while entrepreneurs received 8 million euros for the period 2023-2026. The EU granted 16.5 million euros in credits to fund 109 initiatives of Moldovan farmers.

The source further specifies that 6.4 million euros were redirected for the preservation of cultural heritage, and the macro-financial assistance for Moldova was increased by 145 million euros, nearly double compared to previously announced funds.


The summary notes that 895 thousand citizens received compensation for thermal, electric, and solid fuel energy. Among the benefits Moldova enjoyed is the fact that it became the first non-EU country to access the Connecting Europe Facility. Moreover, it joined the Civil Protection Mechanism, and in terms of trade, statistics show that 64% of Moldova’s exports reached European markets in the first nine months of 2023.