DOC Moldova will have a Council responsible for the application of sanctions.Who will be members?


In the Republic of Moldova, we will create an Inter-Institutional Monitoring Board responsible for enforcing sanctions and international restrictive measures. The Cabinet of Ministers is to approve the Regulation on the functioning of the entity.

The Council will be chaired by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova. Its members will also be the Minister of Justice, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, the Minister of Internal Affairs, the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Economic Development and Digitisation, the Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Development, the Director of the Intelligence and Security Service, the Director of the State Tax Service, the Director of the Customs Service, the Director of the Service for the Prevention and Combating of Money Laundering, the Head of the General Inspectorate for Migration, the Head of the General Inspectorate of Border Police and the Director of the National Anti-Corruption Centre.

“The Council is a collegial institution created to provide a general framework for cooperation in the field of implementation of international restrictive measures in the Republic of Moldova and the introduction of such measures by the Republic of Moldova on its initiative,” the draft government decision states.


The members of the Council will be able to monitor the sanctions applied by the Republic of Moldova, inform the persons concerned about them if the measures are imposed by the authorities of our country, and communicate the reasons for the decisions taken. Regularly, but at least once a year, they will ensure the review of the situation of the restricted persons and decide on the necessity to lift the measures.

The draft allows the Council to request information from the authorities of other countries and to obtain, on an urgent basis, from the institutions of the Republic of Moldova the data necessary to fulfill its tasks.