VIDEO Grosu’s message to Lavrov: We were part of the European Union. History remembers 1812…


“Moldova returns to the European Union”. This is the message Igor Grosu is sending from Bucharest to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

In an interview with Digi24, the speaker of the Chisinau parliament said he no longer considers the Russian official “a diplomat”. According to him, the minister has now become “the bearer of the aggressive messages of a dictator and war criminal called Putin.”

“Moldova is not going to the European Union. Moldova is going back to the European Union. We were part of the European Union. History remembers 1812 when this whole empire tore us from the body of Europe. It is our decision. We are small and have our role and our characteristics. We demand that our right to choose which world we belong to be respected,” Grosu told Lavrov.

He believes that in Europe, there are political parties close to the Kremlin and financed by Moscow. In his view, the aim is to divide the EU.