BRM EAST ENERGY has announced the successful operationalization of the first electronic platform for consumers in the Republic of Moldova


BRM EAST ENERGY, a company of “BURSA ROMANA DE MARFURI,” has successfully launched the first electronic platform for purchasing natural gas for non-household consumers in the Republic of Moldova.

“This instrument enables non-household consumers to purchase natural gas through an electronic auction process, in which all registered natural gas suppliers on the trading platform can participate,” announces the company.

SA “CET-Nord” was the first consumer to initiate a purchase transaction on the platform managed by BRM in Moldova. An auction is scheduled for 11.04.2024 at 2.00 pm.

Transactions will be conducted transparently, fairly, and efficiently by the OTC platform’s organizational and operating procedures. All transaction data, including the supply contract and specifications, will be made public.

The trading mechanism is simply competitive, according to the organization and operating procedures of the OTC market platform managed by Brm East Energy.

Bursa Romana de Mărfuri, through its subsidiary BRM East Energy, aims to participate in the process of liberalizing the natural gas market in the Republic of Moldova and supporting the modernization of the Moldovan economy.


This morning, on April 8th, Alexandr Slusari, a member of the Energocom Council, announced that Moldova Gas is making aggressive moves against Energocom out of desperation. After the national company withdrew from supplying gas to industrial consumers, this occurred. Energocom has recently been awarded the tender for supplying gas to the glass factory and is currently negotiating the supply of methane to other large companies at favourable prices. ” The expansion of Energocom’s activities has caused anger from Gazprom’s affiliate. In the last two years, the affiliate has lost both its function as a gas supplier to the right bank of the Dniester and control over transit.”