“Hallucinatory delirium:” Moldovan Foreign Ministry reacts to Zakharova’s attacks against Moldovan authorities


The Moldovan Foreign Ministry has reacted to Maria Zakharova’s remark that the authorities have started to rewrite the country’s citizens from Moldovan to Romanian and renamed the name of the language.

The non-political department said it does not consider it necessary to take her statements on the language issue seriously, “as Maria Zakharova is not a recognized expert in the field of linguistics.”

“Any other “historical parallels” drawn by Zakharova resemble hallucinatory delusions. It is sad when a Russian diplomat tries to teach us who we are and what language we speak, showing a complete lack of respect for our people,” the Moldovan Foreign Ministry said in a press release.


Recall that in an interview with TASS, the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry once again criticized the Moldovan authorities, comparing them to the Third Reich. Moreover, she said that “historically, the Moldovan language is older than the Romanian language” and that in one second, Maia Sandu deprived people of their native language.

“I don’t even have such examples. I think this is comparable to either the policy of the Third Reich or the way colonizers left Africa,” Zakharova summarized.