Maia Sandu congratulated citizens on Family Day and announced the launch of the PRIMA CASA PLUS program


President Maia Sandu congratulated the country’s citizens on the International Day of the Family. She wished that as many happy families as possible be in the country. For this purpose, she said, it is necessary to improve living conditions. In this context, the head of state announced the launch of the PRIMA CASA PLUS housing program.

“During numerous discussions in the cities and villages of our country, young people talk about the housing problem. It is quite difficult for many of them to save money for a small house or to buy an apartment. We discussed with the government the possibility of expanding the PRIMA CASA program and developing a new Prima CASA PLUS program. With the help of this program, we will be able to provide access to necessary resources to more young people, not only those who work in state institutions,” Maia Sandu said.

In this regard, the President noted the need to explore possibilities to increase the share of guarantees that the state represents within this program.


“We want as many young families as possible to live at home. On the International Family Day, I wish everyone health and peace. Let children grow up in joy,” Maia Sandu concluded.