
(VIDEO) Romania does not leave the fate of Moldova in the hands of Gazprom! Ciolacu announces new support from Bucharest

The Republic of Moldova will not be left in the dark if Gazprom stops supplying gas and the Cuciurgan power plant becomes inoperative. An emergency ordinance is being adopted in Bucharest to allow Romanian suppliers to sell electricity in our country.

According to the information note of the document to be approved in Bucharest, a risk for the electricity market in the Republic of Moldova is the interruption of the supply of light by the plant on the left bank of the Dniester, which provides 75% of our total electricity needs. Officials in Bucharest are also considering the interruption of natural gas supply by Gazprom.

Thus, if the Republic of Moldova can not ensure its national energy consumption through production, Romanian producers will conclude bilateral contracts with our country to sell us electricity within the available limit. The quantity of energy sold under these conditions will cover exclusively the needs of final consumers in the Republic of Moldova.


“First of all, we continue the export of energy, an essential measure for the economic survival of our brothers. Thus, Russia’s plan to bring the Republic of Moldova to its knees using the energy weapon has failed! The second level of support is education, as part of our bilateral agreement”, Romanian Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said at the beginning of the government meeting in Bucharest.

According to the Romanian authorities, the measure will have a beneficial social impact on final consumers in the Republic of Moldova. But will also bring economic benefits to electricity producers across the Prut.

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