Pilot project on automatic exchange of information between customs authorities of three countries


A pilot project on automatic exchange of information (SEED+) between the customs authorities of the Republic of Moldova, Romania, and Ukraine, supported by the European Union, has been launched.

“The pilot project involves data exchange at customs posts on the Moldovan-Romanian border Leuseni-Albita, Giurgiulesti-Galati and at the customs post on the Moldovan-Ukrainian border Giurgiulesti-Reni in the period from June 10 to July 12, 2024,” the Customs Service said.

The three customs authorities will use the SEED+ system to collate electronic data in real-time, including information on loaded and empty cargo vehicles crossing the border customs posts in both directions as part of the pilot project.


“The automatic exchange of customs information will simplify the cooperation of border agencies, increase the security of the entire supply chain from a safety point of view, and facilitate trade between the Republic of Moldova, the European Union, and CEFTA states.”

The Memorandum of Understanding between the State Customs Service of Ukraine, the Customs Service of the Republic of Moldova, and the Romanian Customs Authority approves the implementation of this project. This approval is part of the EU4Digital program’s pilot project on automatically exchanging customs information.