Prime Minister Dorin Recean met with Slovak President Peter Pellegrini

Prime Minister Dorin Recean and Slovakian President Peter Pellegrini reaffirmed their commitment to strengthening Moldovan-Slovakian relations and expanding cooperation for the benefit of both countries during their meeting today, according to the government’s communication department.

The leaders discussed regional and global challenges, Moldova’s transformation process, and European aspirations.

“We are building a European state with strong institutions that ensure safety and quality services for our citizens, with Slovakia consistently supporting our efforts. Slovakia’s development after joining the European Union shows how the EU offers numerous opportunities for member states, even though achieving this goal requires significant work,” said Prime Minister Recean.


The prime minister expressed interest in learning from Slovakia’s experience aligning national legislation with EU standards, especially in agricultural policy.

Recalling Moldova’s efforts to create an investor-friendly environment, Prime Minister Recean invited Slovakian businesses to invest in Moldova’s growing sectors, including the wine industry, information technologies, and high-value sectors such as pharmaceuticals, agricultural industrialization, electronics, and renewable energy.

The officials also explored ways to boost trade between the two countries and highlighted the importance of sharing expertise in public procurement and cybersecurity.

“We fully support your European integration and negotiations. We are pleased with your progress and hope the people of Moldova will make the right decision in the upcoming referendum,” said President Pellegrini.

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